Vehicle Wash
Express Wash
A quick external hand wash service to maintain the external appearance of your vehicle. Ideal service to remove grime and dust.



Process includes:
High Pressure Wash:to remove external surface dirt and grime
Full Hand Wash: all over shampoo wash
High Pressure Wash: second high pressure wash and rinse process
Clean Windows: external windows and side mirrors
Hand Dry: chamois dry and spot free
Tyre Shine: apply tyre shine
Summit Wash
A full service car wash that provides an internal/external maintenance clean to your vehicle.



Process includes:
High Pressure Wash: to remove external surface dirt and grime
Full Hand Wash: an all over external shampoo wash with attention to wheels, bumpers, door and both jambs.
High Pressure Wash: second high pressure wash and rinse process
Windows: clean interior and external windows and side mirrors
Hand Dry: chamois dry
Vacuum: interior vacuum including mats, seats and boot. Floor mats are removed and washed (as necessary)
Dash & Console: interior dashboard and console are dusted
Tyre Shine: apply tyre shine
Platinum Wash
Giving you that extra attention to detail. In addition to a full Summit Wash this service will clean and condition the dash, console and internal door trims.



Process includes:
High Pressure Wash: an external high pressure wash to remove external surface dirt and grime
Premium Hand Wash: an all over external shampoo wash with attention to bumpers, door and booth jambs
Mag Wheel Clean: a separate wheel wash process to remove brake dust and grime from rims, wheel arch and mud guards
High Pressure Wash: second high pressure wash and rinse process
Windows: clean interior and external windows and side mirrors
Hand Dry: chamois dry
Vacuum: interior vacuum including mats, seats and boot. Floor mats are removed and washed (as necessary)
Tyre Shine: apply tyre shine
Vehicle Detailing
Exterior Wash & Polish
Express Wash
Polish Service

Service Includes:
An Exterior Wash Service including wheels and exterior window clean.
Hand Polish: Prep the paintwork with a Clay bar treatment. Apply a quality polish product to your paintwork and manually remove to a high polish finish.
External Trims: Condition exterior trims
Mini Detail
A complete external overhaul which will take your vehicle back to prime condition. Service Includes:
Platinum Wash

*From $125
Clean & Condition Interior surfaces
Final Reflection Finish
Wipe Down Seats
Summit Polish
Platinum Wash
Polish Service

Polish Service Includes:
Hand Polish: Prepare the paint surface by removing bugs, tar and toxins. Apply a quality polish product to your paintwork and manually remove to a high polish finish
Door and Boot Jams: Clean door and boot jambs
External Trims: Condition exterior trims
Dash & Console: clean and condition dashboard, console and internal door trims
Bug & Tar Removal: Apply a quality bug and tar removal treatment.
Interior Detail
Platinum Wash
* Final quote is subject to inspection. ​Drop in for a quote.​

*From $200
Interior Detail includes:
Detail Dash, Console & Door Trim:
clean and condition dashboard, console, doors and internal trims -
Shampoo: Carpets and mats removing stains wherever possible
Leather Clean & Condition: hand clean and apply leather treatment & upholstery
Steam Clean: fabric steam clean
Full Vehicle Detail
A complete internal and external overhaul which will take your vehicle back to prime condition. Includes:
Platinum Wash
Summit Polish
Plus Interior Detail
* Final quote is subject to inspection. ​Drop in for a quote.​

*From $250
*From $280
*From $300
Interior Detail Includes:
Assess your vehicle for scratch & swirl marks and
treat accordingly -
Prep the paintwork with a Clay bar treatment removing bugs, tar and toxins
Apply a quality polish product to your paintwork and manually remove to a high polish finish
Add On/Extra - Engine Clean, Buffing, Mould Removal, Headlight Restoration
Add-On Services
From $80
inspection required
Additional Treatments
Dash Condition
Scuff Removal
- Exterior Trim Condition
Mag Wheel Detail
Heavy Soiling
Full Exterior Buff
Engine Clean
Pet Hair Removal
Steam Clean                  From
1 Single Seat
Back Seat
Sedan / 5 Seats
7 Seats
Leather Cleaning
Leather Interior Cleaning
Mould Removal
Pre-Paid Packages
Buy E-Voucher
5 Pack
Premium Hand Wash
Chamois Dry
Door & boot frame clean
Vacuum Interior & Boot
Clean & Condition Dash & Console
Wheel Clean & Tyre Shine

Pack Price
You Save

Pack Price
You Save

4WD / Van
Pack Price
You Save
Valid on vehicle type purchased only | Valid at all Summit Car Wash locations | Valid for 12 months from date of purchase | Not redeemable for cash
10 Pack
Premium Hand Wash
Chamois Dry
Door & Boot Frame Clean
Vacuum Interior & Boot
Clean & Condition Dash & Console
Wheel Clean & Tyre Shine

Pack Price
You Save

Pack Price
You Save

4WD / Van
Pack Price
You Save
Valid on vehicle type purchased only | Valid at all Summit Car Wash locations | Valid for 12 months from date of purchase | Not redeemable for cash